20% uplift in CTR and conversion vs competitor

By implementing Froomle module on their newsletter

Kiwi case study newsletter module

What has been their challenge?

KIWI was looking to improve their email campaigns to their customers by recommending trips for that specific user. However, they had an existing vendor in place and wanted to see if there was a better vendor on the market.


How did we approach this case?

Froomle competed in a A/B test against this vendor in KIWI’s email campaigns. We implemented our Newsletter module, which is was created and optimized specifically for this channel and let our recommender system do the rest.


This is the final result

After completing the A/B test in two campaigns, the results were very promising:

  • Campaign #1: The CTR and conversion uplift against their existing vendor was 20%
  • Campaign #2: Both KPIs increased to 30%!
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